Vocaloid Software Download Free

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A speech synthesizer program developed by AH-Software, released on December 4, 2009. Its name is derived from 'Vocaloid'; however, Vocaloid is meant for singing, while Voiceroid is meant for speaking.

Note that Voiceroid is a brand name: not all Vocaloids meant for talking are Voiceroids. The more generic talking voicebank tag is to be used for other talking Vocaloids besides actual Voiceroids.


Sailor moon and the 7 ball z kakarot. This tag can be used to label the Voiceroid voicebanks, albums featuring those voicebanks, or artists extensively working with Voiceroid.

Related tags: exVoice, Kotonosync, singing talkloid, speech vocals, talking voicebank

Vocaloid Wiki
Voiceroid Wiki
SoftwareVocaloid online, free

Category: Vocalists

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Addition date: 3/4/2016 6:49:57 PM Bit perfect usb audio player.

Vocaloid Free Demo

Top artists (16 total)

東北ずん子 (Vocaloid)
Touhoku Zunko, Tohoku Zunko
弦巻マキ (Other voice synthesizer)
Tsurumaki Maki, 民安ともえ, Tamiyasu Tomoe
琴葉葵 (Other voice synthesizer)
Kotonoha Aoi
結月ゆかり (Vocaloid)
Yuzuki Yukari
京町セイカ (Other voice synthesizer)
Kyomachi Seika
琴葉茜 (Other voice synthesizer)
Kotonoha Akane
月読ショウタ (Other voice synthesizer)
Tsukuyomi Shouta
月読アイ (Other voice synthesizer)
Tsukuyomi Ai
ついなちゃん (Other voice synthesizer)
Tsuina-chan, 鬼っ子ハンターついなちゃん, Onikko Hunter Tsuina-chan, Ogre Hunter Tsuina-chan, Tsuina the Ogre Hunter
紲星あかり (Voiceroid) (Other voice synthesizer)
Kizuna Akari (Voiceroid)
東北きりたん (Other voice synthesizer)
Tohoku Kiritan, Touhoku Kiritan
吉田くん (Other voice synthesizer)
Yoshida-kun, 鷹の爪, Taka no Tsume, 吉田ロイド

Top albums (4 total)

Vocaloid software download, free
ものがけら / ブラックアウト (Single)
Project irukanami feat. various
current issue (2019mix) (Original album)
ukiyojingu feat. 結月ゆかり
current issue volume1 (Original album)
ukiyojingu feat. 結月ゆかり
collaboraTe deviL girL (Original album)
マサキりたんP, sweet little devil feat. various

Top songs (83 total)

Vocaloid software download, free

幸せになれる隠しコマンドがあるらしい O
うたたP feat. 結月ゆかり
何でも言うことを聞いてくれるアカネチャン O
GYARI feat. various
Creative (Circus' Hardcore Remix) R
CircusP feat. 東北ずん子
閃光-彗星-生命 O
amahisa feat. 結月ゆかり
( ゚∀゚)o彡゜助けて! リタリン! O
くろゑ feat. 初音ミク, 月読アイ, 結月ゆかり
ずんだとれいべる O
もふてゐ feat. 東北ずん子
ダメ。ゼッタイ。 O
たかぴぃ feat. 結月ゆかり
VOCALOID4 紲星あかり 開発中デモソング O
かごめP, アカサコフ・セルゲイ, Bumpyうるし feat. 紲星あかり
クリスマスパーティー! R
grief art feat. IA
虚しいだけだよ。 O
Haniwa feat. 初音ミク, 結月ゆかり
究極のプレゼント D
腰つきP feat. various
只今 O
Noko feat. 京町セイカ

Top events (1 total)

みやこめっせ(京都市勧業館) 〒606-8343 京都府京都市左京区岡崎成勝寺町9-1

Siblings: AISingers, Alter/Ego, chipspeech, Famicaloid, Jam Band, Microsoft Speech API, Muta, NEUTRINO, New Type, NIAONiao, NNSVS, Renoid, Sharpkey, SING, Sinsy, StudioVoICE, Synthesizer V, unspecified engine, VOCALINA, VocalWriter, Voidol, X Studio - Singer

Nothing yet!


V3_0_3_LEP_ESP.zipSpanish Language Extension Pack for VOCALOID3 Editor (Tiny and Standard).3.0.3a23-12-201113,400 bytesdownload
V3_0_5_LEP_ESP.zip [new]Spanish Language Extension Pack for VOCALOID3 Editor (Tiny and Standard).3.0.59-12-201315,343 bytesdownload
    Installation instructions:
  1. Download and unzip file.
  2. Copy the ini file to [VOCALOID_INSTALL]language folder(s).
    Usually for 32-bit systems this will be 'C:Program FilesVOCALOID3TINYlanguage' and/or 'C:Program FilesVOCALOID3language'.
    For 64-bit systems 'C:Program Files (x86)VOCALOID3TINYlanguage' and/or 'C:Program Files(x86)VOCALOID3language'.
    Depending on your operating system and system settings you may be required to have administrator privileges and/or take ownership of the 'Program Files' folder, or temporarily disable UAC (not recommended).
  3. Run VOCALOID and go to 'Settings > Preferences..', then the 'Other Settings' tab. In the Language option 'Spanish (Español)' should now appear. Select this option.
  4. Restart VOCALOID.

Help & Tutorials

English-to-MAIKA Phonetic Mapping [new]Guide for those users that want to use the extra set of phonemes included in MAIKA to synthesize in English (e.g. vsqx made with an English Vocaloid Library).Voctro Labsdownload
MAIKA's English Phonetic Guide [new]Guide for those users that want to use the extra set of phonemes included in MAIKA to synthesize in English.Flavescitopen
MAIKA's Portuguese Phonetic Guide [new]Guide for those users that want to use the extra set of phonemes included in MAIKA to synthesize in Portuguese.MattplusBCopen
MAIKA's Japanese Phonetic Guide [new]Guide for those users that want to use the extra set of phonemes included in MAIKA to synthesize in Japanese using the Japanese-to-Spanish Job Plug-in.Yamahaopen

Vocaloid software download, free


Japanese-to-Spanish [new] (MAIKA version)Automatically convert phonemes of Japanese VSQX file to closest equivalent in Spanish MAIKA Vocaloid3 library.Jpn2Maika Labsdownload
English-to-Spanish [new] (MAIKA version)Automatically convert phonemes of English VSQX file to closest equivalent in Spanish MAIKA Vocaloid3 library. +infoEng2Maika 1.007-01-2014ManatiPdownload
Japanese-to-Spanish (BRUNO & CLARA version)Automatically convert phonemes of Japanese VSQX file to closest equivalent in Spanish BRUNO & CLARA Vocaloid3 libraries.Jpn2Esp Labsdownload
DoubleDurDouble duration of all notes and events in VSQX file.DoubleDur Labsdownload

Demo VSQX files

TitleAuthorVoice Bank(s)Requires VOCALOID3 Standard Editor to fully playSizeDownload
El TrenecitoGiuseppeBruno & Clara*Yes38.4 MBdownload
Que Decida el Corazón [new]Cyo StyleMaikaYes13.6 MBdownload
Juntos Tú y Yo [new]Roger Rodés, Marc Barrachina, GiuseppeBruno & ClaraYes24.3 MBdownload

*Includes version for just Bruno voice bank (Clara track pre-rendered) and version for just Clara voice bank (Bruno track pre-rendered).

3D Models*

MAIKA [new]André R. (nachokuma)MikuMikuDance (PMX)Maika v1.0024/11/201432.25 MBdownload
MAIKA [new]ChibidekoMikuMikuDance (PMX)Maika v1.1a05/01/20143.8 MBdownload
NOVA [new]ChibidekoMikuMikuDance (PMX)Nova v1.027/12/2013343.2 KBdownload
BRUNOTotodileDashMikuMikuDance (PMD/PMX)Bruno v3.721/12/20128.07 MB / 7.9 MBdownload
CLARAPaulchan93MikuMikuDance (PMX)Clara v127/03/20132.9 MBdownload
ONA [new]Kekipi (Paulchan93)MikuMikuDance (PMX)ONA26/04/20147.98 MBdownload

*These models are meant to be used with MikuMikuDance. Note that these models are not official, they are fan made models, Voctro Labs is not responsible for their content or the use of these models by other people.